



Shoe, Sleeve, Headgear
Cartoon, Font
Boats and boating--Equipment and supplies, Water, Mountain, Paddle, Sky, Boat, Lake, Oar
Arm, Comfort, Sleeve, Thigh

They are the best in the country

Shoe, Sleeve, Headgear
Cartoon, Font
Boats and boating--Equipment and supplies, Water, Mountain, Paddle, Sky, Boat, Lake, Oar
Arm, Comfort, Sleeve, Thigh

They are
the best in the country

Sleeve, Gesture, Cartoon, Trigger

But compete in sports with very little money

But compete in sports with very little money

Small but incredibly impressive

Yet, the Norwegian athletes manage to compete at the top level.

Small but incredibly impressive

Yet, the Norwegian athletes manage to compete at the top level.

One hundred thirty athletes in ten sports have participated in Summit2024, an initiative aimed at the Paris Olympics.

"We compete against nations where the rowing teams have the same budget as the Norwegian Olympic Committee."

Kristoffer Brun, a former world champion in rowing, represents Norway in the quadruple sculls at the Paris Olympics. He believes the "strongest man principle," prevalent in larger nations with many talents, is not necessarily an advantage. However, it's no secret that it's challenging to be an athlete with Olympic ambitions in one of Norway's minor sports. Summit2024, organized by the Norwegian Olympic Committee, is trying to address this.

Journalist: Tina Aasen
Illustration: Maria Maaneskiold
Animation: Leander Jonassen Tresse, Marius Halvorsen

Summit2024 is called a national effort for summer sports. These are the ten sports included in the project.

They receive support from companies and private individuals, and the money is distrib uted among the various sports in a shared pool.


Table tennis





Martial arts




People in nature, Gesture, T-shirt, Art

Summit2024 er kalt en nasjonal dugnad for sommeridretten. Dette er de ti idrettene som er med i prosjektet.

De får støtte av bedrifter og privatpersoner, og pengene går inn i en felles pott som blir fordelt på de ulike idrettsgrenene.











Summit2024 er kalt en nasjonal dugnad for sommeridretten. Dette er de ti idrettene som er med i prosjektet.

De får støtte av bedrifter og privatpersoner, og pengene går inn i en felles pott som blir fordelt på de ulike idrettsgrenene.











Sleeve, Gesture, Cartoon

One of those highly motivated before the Olympics is the wrestling star Grace Bullen. She has tried to qualify twice before and finally succeeded during the World Championships last year. She is also part of Summit2024.

"I have big ambitions. I know I will come home with something around my neck, and I train hard to make that a reality," Grace Bullen said in January.

Birgit Skarstein already has a Paralympic gold medal from Tokyo and has something to defend. The Paris Olympics will be the last for Kjetil Borch, where he competes in the double sculls together with Martin Helseth. Eight rowers and six shooters will compete alongside three swimmers, four canoeists, five sailors, four triathletes, one diver, and one athlete in taekwondo.

Sports uniform, Shorts, Sleeve, Gesture, Sportswear
Sports uniform, Gesture
Sleeve, Gesture, Cartoon, Trigger

Kjetil Borch deltok i et spennende samarbeid i fjor mellom Olympiatoppen og Kongsberg Gruppen, som er en av Summit2024s støttespillere. Kongsberg Maritimes avdeling for hydrodynamikk studerer vanligvis hvordan større skip kan gli mest mulig effektivt i vannet. Teamet i Ulsteinvik fikk brukt sin spisskompetanse på et litt uvanlig vis, sammen med rolandslaget og Olympiatoppen. Forskningsprosjektet hadde som mål å få robåtene til å gå 0,2 prosent raskere. Det høres ikke mye ut, men for en roer i toppsjiktet er marginene bittesmå.

Prosjektet har særlig sett på hvordan roernes båter ligger i vannet. Kjetil Borchs båt ble 3D-scannet og teamet gjenskapte en datamodell av båten i et simuleringsprogram. De forsket på hva som påvirker båtens hydrodynamiske motstand, betydningen av overflaten på båten – og ikke minst utformingen av kjølen. De ønsket å sammenligne to ulike kjøler i simuleringsprogrammet, og 3D-scannet derfor de to kjølene og konkurransebåten. Deretter brukte de noe som kalles CFD (Computitional Fluid Dynamics) for å beregne bølgedannelsen og strømningen rundt skroget, som gjorde at de kunne beregne motstanden for hver kjøl. CFD brukes vanligvis for skrog og propellsystemer for store båter.

Forsket på robåter med teknologi

They wanted to compare two different keels in the simulation program, so they 3D-scanned them and the competition boat. Then, they used CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) to calculate the wave formation and flow around the hull and the resistance for each keel. CFD is usually used for hull and propeller systems for large ships.

The project particularly examined how the rowers' boats sit in the water. Kjetil Borch's boat was 3D-scanned, and the team recreated a digital model of the boat in a simulation program. They researched what affects the boat's hydrodynamic resistance, the importance of the boat's surface, and especially the design of the keel.

Last year, Kjetil Borch participated in an exciting collaboration between the Norwegian Olympic Committee and Kongsberg Gruppen, one of Summit2024's supporters. Kongsberg Maritime's hydrodynamics department usually studies how larger ships can glide as efficiently as possible in the water. The team in Ulsteinvik used their expertise in an unusual way, together with the rowing team and the Norwegian Olympic Committee. The research project aimed to make rowing boats go 0.2 per cent faster. That sounds like a little, but the margins are tiny for a top-level rower.

Research on rowing boats with technology

They wanted to compare two different keels in the simulation program, so they 3D-scanned them and the competition boat. Then, they used CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) to calculate the wave formation and flow around the hull and the resistance for each keel. CFD is usually used for hull and propeller systems for large ships.

The project particularly examined how the rowers' boats sit in the water. Kjetil Borch's boat was 3D-scanned, and the team recreated a digital model of the boat in a simulation program. They researched what affects the boat's hydrodynamic resistance, the importance of the boat's surface, and especially the design of the keel.

Last year, Kjetil Borch participated in an exciting collaboration between the Norwegian Olympic Committee and Kongsberg Gruppen, one of Summit2024's supporters. Kongsberg Maritime's hydrodynamics department usually studies how larger ships can glide as efficiently as possible in the water. The team in Ulsteinvik used their expertise in an unusual way, together with the rowing team and the Norwegian Olympic Committee. The research project aimed to make rowing boats go 0.2 per cent faster. That sounds like a little, but the margins are tiny for a top-level rower.

Research on rowing boats with technology

"Summit 2024 is a joint project that aims both to strengthen elite sports performance and to nurture the diversity of sports."

"We have big plans. In terms of development, the Summer Olympics and Paralympics in L.A. are coming up quickly, and many skilled people at Kongsberg Gruppen can help us going forward. We already have some ideas and possible projects on the drawing board. In discussions with the technology communities, good ideas always emerge, and it's incredibly healthy for us in a specialized sports federation to get new impulses from outside," he says.

"The ten sports in the project have limited resources, but with highly motivated athletes who train and put in at least as much effort as those in the more high-profile sports," says Kongsberg Gruppen CEO Geir Håøy, who himself was an active rower in Tønsberg Rowing Club. Kongsberg Gruppen continues to sponsor the project in Summit2028.

Read more about the hydrodynamics department here.

Sverke Lorgen, Secretary General of the Norwegian Rowing Federation, looks forward to further collaboration with Kongsberg Gruppen.

Sverke Lorgen, Secretary General of the Norwegian Rowing Federation, looks forward to further collaboration with Kongsberg Gruppen.

"The ten sports in the project have limited resources, but with highly motivated athletes who train and put in at least as much effort as those in the more high-profile sports," says Kongsberg Gruppen CEO Geir Håøy, who himself was an active rower in Tønsberg Rowing Club. Kongsberg Gruppen continues to sponsor the project in Summit2028.

Read more about the hydrodynamics department here.

"Summit 2024 is a joint project that aims both to strengthen elite sports performance and to nurture the diversity of sports."

"We have big plans. In terms of development, the Summer Olympics and Paralympics in L.A. are coming up quickly, and many skilled people at Kongsberg Gruppen can help us going forward. We already have some ideas and possible projects on the drawing board. In discussions with the technology communities, good ideas always emerge, and it's incredibly healthy for us in a specialized sports federation to get new impulses from outside," he says.